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Install and Configure the Replica BlackBerry Server

Once the Master BES server is configured and ready, you are ready to install the Replica BES server. The procedure for setting up the Replica server is nearly identical for All in One and Distributed Configurations; the difference is marked.

Please consider the following information when installing this server.

Important! Before starting the installation, stop the BES services on the Master BES server (for this server pair), and set them to 'manual'. This is done in order to avoid SRP Key conflicts (see SRP Connection Errors). Both Master and Replica BES services cannot be online simultaneously at any time.

You will also be directed to rename the Master server. For clarity, suppose the names of the server pair are BlackBerry1 (Master) and BlackBerry2 (Replica).

To configure the replica server

  1. Change all BES services running on the Master server to Manual Startup mode.
  2. Rename the Master server to <MasterHostname>-CA and reboot. For example, if the Master server is named BlackBerry1, rename it to BlackBerry1-CA and reboot.
  3. Rename the Replica server to the original Master Hostname (without the -CA suffix) and reboot. Using the example in the previous step, rename the Replica to BlackBerry1.
  4. Install BES 4.1 software on the Replica server, ensuring the following:
  5. Change the services installed on the Replica server to Manual Startup mode.
  6. Rename the Replica server to its original name (for example, BlackBerry2) and reboot.
  7. Change the services installed on the Master server back to Automatic Startup mode.
  8. Rename the Master server to its original name (for example, BlackBerry1) and reboot.
  9. Validate that all services started properly and that BES is functioning correctly.