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Collect Diagnostic Information from a Standalone Agent

Diagnostic information is a collection of logs, events, registry, and application information of the product and system that Arcserve Support team requires to investigate any error. Arcserve UDP Agent lets you collect all such information at one location, typically a network share path. When you contact Arcserve Support, you have these information readily available.

Follow these steps:

  1. Using the command prompt, navigate to the following path:
    %ProgramFiles% \Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Engine\BIN\DiagnosticUtility
  2. Run the following command to learn how to run the batch file:
    arcserveAgentSupport.bat -help
    usage: arcserveAgentSupport.bat [OPTIONS]
    -help	print help
    -pass <arg>	usrPass (If export path is a remote share, user password to access it)
    -path <arg>	export path (Can be a remote share)
    -user <arg>	usrName (If export path is a remote share, user name to access it)
    -xmlConfig <arg>	xmlConfigurationFile (Optional)
  3. Use the following command to collect the diagnostic information:
    arcserveAgentSupport.bat -path <remote share path> -user <username> -pass <password>

    Example: arcserveAgentSupport.bat -path \\remote_share\data -user abc -pass xyz

    where, \\remote_share\data is the path, abc is the user name, and xyz is the password

You can find the diagnostic information zip file in the remote share.