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Upload Diagnostic Information to Arcserve Website Using FTP

You can upload any logs or files to the Arcserve support FTP using a file transfer protocol (FTP). However, users (the ticket requester) can enable the FTP link during the initial ticket creation process or while updating the ticket online. Once FTP is enabled, it will generate the FTP link along with login credentials. This information is provided to to the ticket requester through an automated email. The password for accessing the FTP is common for all the users, except Japanese customers. You can use this password to upload and download files from FTP.

When you log in to the FTP using, you see the Home folder. If you create a ticket in Arcserve Zendesk, a sub-folder is created with the ticket number within the Home folder. For example, if you create a ticket having the ticket number Ticket-30, a sub-folder named Ticket-30 is created in the Home folder.<Arcserve_Zendesk_ID>/Ticket-30
User Name: Arcserve Zendesk internal ID (numeric value)
Password: Arc$3rv3
Folder: Ticket-30

Note: For Japanese users, the password is the requester’s email address without the domain name. For example, if registered email address is, the password is abc.

When the ticket is resolved, the FTP server receives a notification. A FTP folder corresponding to a ticket is available for one month and later gets deleted permanently.

Important! Do not share your user name with others.

Follow these steps to upload any files to the Arcserve website using FTP:

  1. Either the ticket requester (user) or Arcserve Support agent logs in to Arcserve Zendesk site and creates a support ticket.

    The Arcserve Support agent or the ticket requester selects the check box in the support ticket and updates the ticket.

    An FTP link is automatically generated for the FTP Home folder. The permission is set exclusively for the requester who opened the ticket.

    For example, the following folder is your FTP folder:<Arcserve_Zendesk_ID>/<Ticket_number>

  2. Once the FTP link is created, Arcserve Zendesk sends an email with the FTP link along with the login credentials to the ticket requester (user) automatically.
  3. The user logs in to the FTP link and uploads the files.

    Note: If you face an issue with the FTP access, send an email to

    You have successfully completed the process of uploading files to Arcserve FTP server.