Previous Topic: Upload Diagnostic Information to Arcserve Website Using FTPNext Topic: Unzip the Console Logs

Unzip Agent Logs

The log files generated by the diagnostic utility are in a ZIP format. To view the log files, you must unzip the files.

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the .arcZIP file to the machine that has the UDP agent installed.

    The .arcZIP file is created using the diagnostic utility.

  2. Using the command prompt, navigate to the following path:
    %ProgramFiles% \Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Engine\BIN\DiagnosticUtility
  3. Run the following command to learn how to run the batch file:
    arcserveAgentSupportInternal.bat -help
    BaseOperation loadDefaultValue
    INFO: Load Agent install path C:\Program Files\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Engine\
    usage: arcserveAgentSupportInternal.bat [OPTIONS] rawfile
    -help         print help
    -keepFile     Keep temp file
    -path <arg>   path where the content needs to be unzipped

    The help section is displayed.

  4. Use the following command to unzip the file:
    arcserveAgentSupportInternal.bat -path <should_be_the_same_machine_where_you_want_to_unzip> <name_of_the_zip_file>

The agent logs are unzipped.