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Specify the Destination

The destination is a tape media group in your Arcserve Backup Server. You must add the Arcserve Backup Server to Console before you create this task.

Follow these steps:

  1. Specify the following details for the backup destination.
    Arcserve Backup Server

    Select the Arcserve Backup server from the drop-down list.

    Media Group

    Select the media group from the drop-down list. The media group depends on the Arcserve Backup server. By default, the <ASBU> disk-based device are not listed in the media group. Also, the tape raid group is not listed in the media group.

    To migrate Arcserve UDP recovery points to an Arcserve Backup disk-based device, the incremental recovery points must be converted to full recovery points. The recommended way to migrate Arcserve UDP recovery point to a disk-based device is to perform a replication from Arcserve UDP data store to another data store.

    Only tape groups can be configured as the destination for a Copy to Tape job. You can add a registry key in the following path to display the ASBU FSD group as the Copy to Tape destination:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Management\Console\DisplayASBUFSDGroup
    “DisplayASBUFSDGroup = 0” 

    When the value is 0, the ASBU FSD group is not displayed.

    “DisplayASBUFSDGroup = 1”

    When the value is 1, the ASBU FSD group is displayed.

    The list of the media group is queried from Arcserve Backup Server. It is corresponding to the device group list in the Arcserve Backup Server.


    Select the check box to enable multiplexing. Specify the maximum number of streams that can write to a tape at the same time. The default number of streams is 4 and the supported range is from 2 through 32.


    Specifies to use encryption for copy to tape.

    Enabling encryption ensures that data is encrypted on tape. When an encryption is selected, you must provide (and confirm) an encryption password.


    Enabling compression ensures that the data is compressed on tape.

  2. Verify the Media Group Details for the selected Arcserve Backup server and media group.
  3. Click the Schedule tab.

    The Schedule page opens.

You have specified the destination.