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Specify the Schedule

You can specify the schedule to start your copy to tape job. You can also decide the media retention policy and tape usage mode.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add, Add Copy to Tape Schedule.

    The Add New Copy to Tape Schedule dialog opens.

  2. Specify a tape schedule.

    A schedule defines the time range to start a copy to tape job. If you add a schedule, then the copy to tape job runs only during the defined time schedule. If you do not specify a schedule, then the copy to tape job runs within 30 minutes after a qualified recovery point is ready on a data store.

  3. Click Save.

    The Add New Copy to Tape Schedule dialog closes.

  4. Select the Medial Pool Name from the drop-down list.

    A default media pool name is selected based on the plan name.

    You can also select an existing media pool name from the drop-down list. In that case, the media retention policy and tape usage mode associated with that media pool would be copied into this task. You can share the tapes across multiple Arcserve UDP plans by specifying the same media pool in all the Arcserve UDP plans.

    You can also specify a different pool name. A maximum of 13 characters is accepted for a media pool name.

  5. Specify a Recovery Point Retention policy.

    A recovery point retention policy allows you to retain recovery points on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can specify a different retention time for different types of recovery points. For example, if you select Daily Backups and Weekly Backups from the Source tab, then you can specify different recovery point retention period for both these types of backup.

  6. Select one of the Tape Usage options.
    Append to Existing Tapes

    Indicates that all recovery points generated within the specified retention period are copied to the same tape. For example, if you have specified the retention time for daily backup as 7, then all the recovery points from Day 1 to Day 7 are copied to the same tape. Then, all the recovery points from the next 7 days (Day 8 to Day 14) are copied to a different tape, and so on.

    The recovery points from the first week (Day 1 to Day 7)) are retained for the next 7 days (Day 8 to Day 14). From Day 15, the recovery points are again copied to Tape 1 because the retention policy for first week recovery points is expired.

    The following list shows the default retention time for Append to Existing Tape:

    • Daily - 7 days
    • Weekly - 5 weeks
    • Monthly - 12 months

    Seven daily recovery points are copied to the same tape, five weekly recovery points are copied to the same tape, and 12 monthly recovery points are copied to the same tape.

    Copy to Separate Tapes

    Indicates that recovery points of each day are copied to a separate tape. For example, if you have specified the retention time for daily backup as 7, then recovery points from Day 1 are copied to Tape 1, recovery point from Day 2 are copied to Tape 2, recovery points from Day 3 are copied to Tape 3, and so on.

    The recovery points from Day 1 is retained for 7 days. On Day 8, the recovery points are copied to Tape 1 because the retention policy is expired for Day 1 recovery points.

    The following list shows the default retention time for Copy to Separate Tapes:

    • Daily - 7 days
    • Weekly - 5 weeks
    • Monthly - 12 months

    Each of the seven daily recovery points are copied to separate tapes, each of the five weekly recovery points are copied to separate tapes, and each of the 12 monthly recovery points are copied to separate tapes.

  7. Click the Advanced tab.

    The Advanced page opens.

You have specified the schedule.