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Understanding Branch Configuration Dialog

The Branch Configuration dialog is accessed from Central Manager (Configure Branch Site icon) and lets you specify behavior parameters for scheduling the data synchronization process. Any modifications to these branch configuration settings will not be applied until the next data synchronization.

Central Manager - Branch Configuration Dialog

Branch Site

This displays the name of the selected Branch Primary Server. All subsequent settings on this dialog will apply to data synchronization process for this branch site only. (If "Local" is displayed, it indicates that the settings will apply to the local Branch Primary Server, even if it is configured to be the Central Primary Server).

Scheduled Synchronization Time

Specifies the time that data synchronization is attempted each day. This daily time will always be based on the local time for the Central Primary Server (and not necessarily the local time at the branch site). The time setting uses a 24-hour clock format and the default setting is 2:00 AM.

If the schedule time for branch synchronization is changed, it will not take effect until after the next synchronization is performed.

For example:

Retry Times

Specifies the number of times that the Branch Primary Server will attempt the data synchronization to the Central Primary Server. If for some reason, the data synchronization cannot not be performed at the scheduled time, the Branch Primary Server will wait the specified number of minutes between attempts, and then try again. If this maximum number of retry attempts is reached without successful data synchronization, the Branch Primary Server will discontinue attempts for that day (and retry again as scheduled on the next day) and an error message will be generated.

By default the Unlimited check box is selected, indicating there is no limit for the number of retry attempts. If this check box is unselected, an additional field is displayed, allowing you to specify a number for the retry attempts. This specified number must be between 0 and 100 and the default setting is 10 retry attempts.

Branch Configuration - Retry Times

Retry Interval

Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) that the Branch Primary Server will wait between attempts to perform the data synchronization upload to the Central Primary Server. If for some reason, the data synchronization cannot not be performed at the scheduled time, the Branch Primary Server will wait this specified number of minutes between attempts, and then try again.

This number must be between 1 and 60 and the default setting is 5 minutes between retry attempts.