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How to Restore Exchange Mail on a VMware Virtual Machine

Each time Arcserve UDP performs a successful backup, a point-in-time snapshot image of your backup is created (recovery point). This collection of recovery points allows you to locate and specify exactly which backup image you want to restore. If at a later time, you suspect any of the backed up information is missing, corrupted, or not reliable, you can locate and restore from a previous known good version. For Exchange Mail backup you can browse the recovery points and locate the individual objects (mailboxes, mailbox folders, or mail) that you want to restore.

This scenario describes how to restore VMware virtual machine (VM) Exchange Mail objects that were backed up using the Host-based agentless plan. The following diagram illustrates the process to restore Exchange Mail installed on a VMware virtual machine:

The scenario describes how to Restore Exchange Server Installed on a VMware Virtual Machine

Perform the following tasks to restore a virtual machine:

  1. Review the Restore Prerequisites and Considerations
  2. Specify the Exchange Mailbox Database
  3. Select the Exchange Mail Objects to be Restored
  4. Define the Restore Options
  5. Restore the Exchange Mail
  6. Verify that the Exchange Mail was Restored